Monday, June 30, 2008

Easy Make $25 for you

Seattle-based Mpire has launched a widget ad network called WidgetBucks, the fastest growing ad network on the Internet.

What is WidgetBucks?:
WidgetBucks is a promising new semi-contextual advertising program. Their attractive widgets advertise material goods of relevance to the website on which they are placed.

How does WidgetBucks work?:
Publishers sign up to the program, generate some advertising widgets and embed the widget code on their site. Ads are displayed immediately and begin to earn CPM (impression) revenue right away. They also pay on a CPC (per click) basis.


The ad size and colour can be customised to blend in with your site. Remember that the ads are dynamic so they will cycle through a range of different products during each impression.

What does WidgetBucks pay?:
Over at Digital Point people are saying it pays as well as AdSense. That’s a very steep claim and I couldn’t possibly agree to it - I guess it depends on your traffic and niche. What I can say is that they pay a very competitive rate of up to $6 CPM. This means if you have a site with a lot of traffic you could easily earn a lot from your traffic. In my limited experience of WidgetBucks I’m getting about 20 cents per click on average.

Another great offer they have at the moment is that every new sign up has their account credited with $25. That’s $25 just for joining the program.

Is it AdSense safe?:
The widgets are non-contextual and dynamic - they don’t look or work in the same way as AdSense ad units so are perfectly safe to use alongside AdSense.

What about a referral program?:
WidgetBucks publishers receive 10% of the earnings of their referrals for a 12 month period.

How and when does WidgetBucks pay?:
WidgetBucks pays by either USD check or PayPal. Payment is sent within 45 days of the end of the month in which you reach the $50 minimum payout. As with similar programs if you don’t make the $50 minimum payment is rolled over to the next month.

If you’ve found this short review useful please sign up for WidgetBucks as our referral using the banner below. Remember that all new sign ups get $25 instant credit.

So Earn $$ with WidgetBucks.

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